Bob the simplebot

A game-based approach to teach logic

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Write what's inside a robot head

In "Bob the simplebot", children can write logic rules to guide the robot through each level. Help him reach its destination and solve always more tricky puzzles. By the end, you will have learned a lot about boolean logic.


Create and share your own level

You can create your own levels and share them with the community. To do so, simply go to the map editor and create your very own level. You can then share it on the map market. There will always be new levels to solve.


Portable and available on all platform.

The game can be played on both Windows, Mac and Linux. It is really light and can be played on almost any configuration. As it is portable, no installation is required!

A simple drag'n'drop interface to write rules.
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The project

The project behind this game is the master thesis of an Imperial College student doing an MSc in Software Engineering. The idea was to create a simple game to help children discover logic basics. They will write and read simple rules that are then processed using a LPS framework. If you want to read more about LPS please read one of the original papers published by Robert Kowalski and Fariba Sadri: Towards a Logic-based Production System Language (2010), Reactive Computing as Model Generation (2015) and Programming in Logic Without Logic Programming (2016). This LPS framework provides a lightweight logic-based tool inspired by artificial intelligence and suitable for practical applications. The Java version JLPS, developed by an other master student (Alexandre Camus), was used as the core logic engine. Aside from logic, the main library used to create this game was LibGDX.

Multiple playing mode to discover different concepts!
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